Welcome to the U of T Libraries! With over 12 million books in 341 languages and 1,500,000 electronic resources, it may be overwhelming to figure out where to begin conducting research. This talk will showcase library resources and services for students at both undergraduate and graduate levels of study, as well as both new to U of T and those who would like a refresher. A short tour of Robarts Library will follow the orientation session.
Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024
Time: 11AM - 12:30PM
Session type: In-person
Location: E-Classroom, 4th Floor, Robarts Library (T-Card required for entry to Robarts)
Here's a map of how to get to the e-classroom
If you identify as a person who requires accessibility accomodations to participate in this program, please contact the coordinator by email at devon.stolz@utoronto.ca, or leave a voicemail at 416-978-7715, to make a request. We kindly ask that you provide as much advanced notice as possible.