How to use this page:
- Click on each subject below to see all e-books available at U of T libraries.
- The 'Call Number' will let you know where you have to go on the shelves to see all the books we have on that topic.
- For other e-books, please check the U of T Libraries holdings
If you would rather search an entire ebooks platform, we have the following available:
- Scholars Portal Books (search by title; or by subject 'dentistry' to see all dental ebooks)
- ScienceDirect (search by title; or to browse ebooks, expand 'Health Sciences' and then 'Medicine and Dentistry')
- Wiley Online Library (search by title; or scroll down to Nursing, Dentistry and Healthcare to browse)
- SpringerLink (search by title; or click on Dentistry under Discipline)
- Thieme E-book Library (search by title; or click on eBooks, Sub-Topic Dentistry)
- ProQuest eBook Central (search by title; or go to browse and click on Medicine)
Please note: For off campus users, when accessing those e-resources, you should see “library.utoronto” in the address line. If not, please add directly before the URL in the address line in your browser. It should request you to log in via UTORID. You will have access to the resources you need once you log in.
For a complete list of U of T Libraries Ebook platforms and collections, please visit this page.
Dentistry call numbers and e-books by subject