Course reserves

View Course Reserves Full List (print and online)

What are course reserves?

Instructors at the Faculty of Dentistry can make course readings available online through Quercus, the University's online learning management system, or as physical items that can be borrowed from the Course Reserve/Short Term Loan section at the Dentistry Library. If you are an instructor who would like a textbook to be placed on Course Reserve (or removed from reserve), please contact us at

New this year! Our course reserves are physically located in our reading room. You may peruse them at your own leisure. If you wish to check them out, you have to bring them to the Service Desk and present your TCard.

Borrowing Policy

Course Reserves at the Dentistry Library can be checked out on a 3-day loan (when the library is open). The Dentistry Library reserves the right to limit the number of Course Reserves borrowed.

For online course reserves

  • Instructors can place assigned course materials online through the Library Course Reserves module or within your Quercus course page
  • These materials can include articles, books, web links, and media resources
  • If your instructor is using the Library Reading List module: 
    • Look for the 'Library Reading List' app in your Quercus course navigation
    • The courses in which you are enrolled and which have Library Reading Lists will be listed
    • Select the class you are interested in to launch your course reading list

Having trouble finding or accessing your online course readings in Quercus? See this help page or contact the Dentistry Library at

Last updated August 26, 2024